

American CryptoFedについてもっと質問がありますか?下のボタンをクリックしてください!
CryptoFed has three innovative tools to adjust Ducat supply: Fiscal Policy, Monetary Policy and Open Market Operations.

CryptoFed’s Fiscal Policy is defined as rewards paid in Ducat to consumers within at range of 5.5% -10% and merchants within a range of 1% - 4% for every purchase at participating merchants. The rewards are the primary methodology of CryptoFed’s Ducat money supply. CryptoFed’s Fiscal Policy is the equivalent of government spending controlled by the US Congress, not by the Federal Reserve. Given that both merchants and consumers, acting in their own self-interest, have incentives to actively use Ducat rather than USD, the absolute amount of Ducat tokens in the hands of households and businesses (stock amount) will be far less than what is potentially needed by the Ducat economy, although the instantaneous increase of Ducat per day or per month or per quarter may generate inflation measured by the Ducat price against USD on crypto exchanges. The total stock amount of Ducat needed may be estimated by possible Ducat market share (such as 30%) of the total currency markets measured by the sum of M3 of major currencies. The sum of M3 of the top five (5) currency zones was 55 trillion worth of USD as of November 2023. (see Monetary Aggregates and Their Components: Broad Money and Components: M3 for United States, M3 for Euro Area (19 Countries), M3 for Japan, M3 for Canada, M3 for United Kingdom). Therefore, it may take a few decades for the Ducat economy to have the need to reduce the lower bound of the rewards to consumers (5.5%) and merchants (1%). When and only when, for four (4) consecutive quarters, Ducat inflation cannot be cured by the combination of fiscal policy (reward rate 5.5% to consumers and 1% to merchants) and monetary policy (5% interest rate), will the lower bound of the reward rate to consumers (5.5%) and to merchants (1%) be lowered 20% quarterly until the inflation is cured.

CryptoFed’s Monetary Policy is defined as interest paid by CryptoFed to all Ducat holders. CryptoFed’s interest rate is the equivalent of the Federal Reserve’s interest rate on reserve balances. The difference is that CryptoFed pays interest to Ducat holders consisting of ordinary households and businesses, while the Federal Reserve pays the interest only to those banks which have accounts with the Federal Reserve. CryptoFed can increase its interest rate as high as necessary to deter or cure inflation. Interest rate increase has been proven to be an effective tool to control inflation. “Twenty-five years ago, on October 6, 1979, the Federal Reserve adopted new policy procedures that led to skyrocketing interest rates and two back-to-back recessions but that also broke the back of inflation and ushered in the environment of low inflation and general economic stability the United States has enjoyed for nearly two decades.” — FRBSF ECONOMIC LETTER, Number 2004-35, December 3, 2004. Given that the Federal Reserve does not have control over the Congress’s fiscal policy, if the US Congress authorizes inflationary government spending, the Federal Reserve must skyrocket interest rates to control inflation, creating recessions more often than not. CryptoFed, by contrast, has both fiscal and monetary policies under one roof and can ensure the consistency between fiscal policy and monetary policy to avoid recession.

Open Market Operations is defined as buying and selling Ducat at crypto markets to maintain the Target Exchange Rate and keep the deviation within a 2% lower and upper bound. While Fiscal Policy and Monetary Policy are adjusted on a quarterly basis to shift the fundamental economic conditions for those households (consumers) and businesses (merchants) who use Ducat for daily economic activities, Open Market Operations are conducted on a daily basis to shift temporary Ducat money supply.




その結果、CryptoFedは消費者のDucat需要を満たすためにDucatを売らなければならなくなる。 受け取ったUSDペッグの安定コインは、もっぱら暗号市場からロックトークンを買い戻し、焼却(破壊)するために使用されます。このオープンマーケットオペレーションは、暗号市場におけるロックトークンの価格を上昇させる。Ducat経済が拡大すればするほど、Lockeの買い戻しのためにUSDペッグされたstablecoinがより多く受け取られ、Locke価格はより高くなります。Locke価格とDucat経済の拡大との間の好循環メカニズムは、長期的な成長のために設計されており、LockeとDucat保有者の両方に利益をもたらし、Lockeトークンを他のガバナンストークン、例えばUniswapのUNIやMakerDAOのMKRとは一線を画します。







連邦準備制度(FRB)は、民間が発行する債務に基づく貨幣の通貨制度である。 私的に発行された負債に基づく貨幣一方暗号連邦準備制度は 私的に発行された負債のない貨幣.

一方 私的に発行された負債ベースの貨幣は、連邦準備制度理事会(FRB)が新たなマネーサプライを流通させる商業銀行の融資活動によって生み出される。民間資金には、「商業銀行資金」-商業銀行口座のドル建て残高-が含まれる...現在、米国には少なくとも19.4兆ドルの民間資金がある。(p.3, 米国財務省報告書).連邦準備制度理事会(FRB)の資金供給メカニズムでは、銀行のバランスシート上に民間の負債を同時に作り出す必要がある。マネーサプライは民間商業銀行の貸出活動に依存するが、連邦準備制度理事会は商業銀行の貸出活動を直接コントロールすることはできない。連邦準備制度理事会(FRB)にできることは、連邦公開市場委員会(FOMC)が決定するフェデラルファンド金利を通じて、商業銀行の貸出活動を誘導することである。 連邦公開市場委員会で決定され ニューヨーク連邦準備銀行. その結果、連邦準備制度理事会(FRB)の小数準備銀行制度は、米ドル経済に内在する不可避のマクロ経済リスクを合法的に制度化し、定期的に好況と不況の景気循環(景気の拡大と縮小)を引き起こし、その後にFDICと税金による大規模な救済が行われる。 FDICと政府介入による税金投入による大規模な救済が行われる。. さらに、債務蓄積の絶対水準が大きすぎて返済できなくなると、連邦準備制度理事会(FRB)の通貨供給メカニズムがうまく機能しなくなる。既存のローン返済の負担は最終的に、ゼロに近い低金利であっても、借り手は追加のローンを返済するための貸し手の基準を満たすことができないレベルに達する。その結果、経済成長のための有効需要を維持・拡大するための十分な資金が民間部門に供給されなくなる。

民間発行の無借金マネーによって生み出される。 6つのCryptoFedが新しいDucatマネーを流通させる6つの方法(FAQ 4を参照)。CryptoFedの通貨供給メカニズムは、消費者(家計)と企業(商人)に直接Ducatマネーを分配することです。リチャード・ニクソン大統領がドルと金の兌換を廃止した後、米ドルは不換紙幣となった:「不換紙幣は換金不可能であり、貨幣保有者は貨幣以外のもので返済を要求することはできない。(P.6, シカゴ・プラン再訪P.6, Chicago Plan Revisited, IMF Working Paper)。 同様に、デュカットの保有者はデュカット以外のもので返済を要求することはできない。したがって、理論的にはデュカットは 民間発行の無債務貨幣直接分配のルールに従って、参加者間の相互同意によって (クリプトフェッド規約).Ducatの資金供給メカニズムは、Ducatの貸し借りに従事する主体から分離されているため、Ducatの貸し借りに従事する主体が破綻しても、Ducatの資金供給機能は影響を受けず、Ducat経済における保険や救済の必要性を排除することができる。
CryptoFedはイーサリアムプロトコルとEOSプロトコルの両方を使用して、LockeトークンとDucatトークンを作成する。EthereumプロトコルのLockeトークンとDucatトークンは、売買や取引のために世界中で広く受け入れられているEthereumプロトコルの利点を利用することができます。EOSプロトコルのLockeトークンとDucatトークンは、EOSプロトコルの取引速度、スケーラビリティ、柔軟性を活用することができます。"高いスケーラビリティ、低レイテンシ、取引手数料ゼロのブロックチェーンを使用したエンタープライズグレードの金融商品を構築するために、EOSは我々の選択でした。"記事 "私たちがイーサリアムではなくEOSでブロックチェーンビジネスを構築した理由"という記事が素晴らしい証言をしている。さらに、EOSはオープンソースのプロトコルであり、クリプトフェッドが独自のクリプトフェッド・ブロックチェーン(姉妹チェーン)を構築することを可能にしている。2つの異なるブロックチェーンプロトコル上でLockeとDucatトークンをブリッジするのは難しいが、クロスチェーンブリッジのためのツールがある。 クロスチェーンブリッジが利用できるようになる。

i) 2024年第4四半期~2027年第1四半期
a) ロックトークンの初期配布:CryptoFedは、イーサリアムERC-20の形で大量のLockeトークンを貢献者に無料で配布する予定である。CryptoFedは、Ethereum ERC-20の形で大量のLockeトークンを貢献者に無料で配布する予定である。

b) Lockeトークンの流通市場の形成:貢献者は、自らの裁量で、自らの利益のために、Locke トークンを集中型または分散型の暗号スワップや、国内またはグローバルに展開する取引所で売却することを選択することができる。この活動の自然な結果として、Lockeトークンの流通市場が独自に形成される。

ii) 2027年第2四半期以降
(a) ワイオミング州でのDucatパイロット:Lockeトークンが1ユニットあたり0.10ドル以上の価格を1ヶ月以上継続的に維持した場合、規制への準拠を確認した上で、CryptoFedはララミーもしくはシャイアン、またはその両方でDucat決済を受け入れるための試験的な準備を加盟店と協議する。

(b) 全国展開:ワイオミング州でのDucatの試験運用が成功し、規制への準拠が確認された時点で、CryptoFedはDucatの全国展開を検討します。

(c) 国際展開:米国内の少なくとも5つの州で成功し、規制を遵守することが確認された場合、CryptoFedはDucatの国際展開を検討します。
Like CryptoFed, Terra Protocol was also a 2-token economy. Terra collapsed within three days in May 2022, wiping out the entire valuation of UST and LUNA of $50 billion in total. LUNA was the native cryptocurrency of Terra Protocol with unlimited issuance. UST was the stablecoin of Terra Protocol pegged against the US Dollar. Because UST was backed by LUNA, swapping LUNA for UST was the only way to create new UST. Anchor was a borrowing and savings protocol developed by Terra. The holders of UST could deposit their UST at Anchor at a stable 19.5% yield until April 2022, one month prior to the collapse of Terra, when the Federal Funds Effective Rate was still less than 1%. For analysis of Terra’s failure and its impact, see Anatomy of a Run: The Terra Luna Crash and Interconnected DeFi: Ripple Effects from the Terra Collapse.

There are
two major differences between CryptoFed (Locke/Ducat) and Terra Protocol (Luna/UST).

The first difference is that new Ducat is primarily created by rewards paid to both consumers and merchants upon the purchasing of goods and services, while new UST was created by swapping LUNA to UST. The money creation mechanism guarantees that Ducat can be used to directly purchase goods and services at merchants without conversion to US dollar, while UST does not have this guarantee. During financial crises, Ducat will be more stable than UST because Ducat can purchase goods and services, while UST could not.

The second difference is that Ducat is a floating exchange rate against USD, while UST was a fixed exchange rate. “As easily demonstrated in a Mundell-Fleming framework, it is generally not possible for a country to simultaneously enjoy (1) a fixed (or managed) exchange rate, (2) an independent monetary policy, and (3) free international capital mobility.” (Nobel Laureate 2022 and the Fed’s Chair 02/1/2006 – 01/31/2014, Ben S. Bernanke, 2015, p. 11, Federal Reserve Policy in an International Context, Brookings Institution). However, Terra Protocol (Luna/UST) completely ignored the Mundell-Fleming framework. UST tried to simultaneously enjoy (1) a fixed exchange rate against USD which was 1UST = 1USD, (2) an independent monetary policy which was 19.5%%, significantly higher than 1% of the Federal Funds Rate for USD, and (3) free international capital mobility which meant that UST could be sold or bought without any restrictions.

Because UST had to maintain 1:1
fixed exchange rate between UST and USD, money could convert (flee) from UST to USD without suffering foreign exchange loss (in contrast to floating exchange rate). The bank run against UST could not be stopped once it started, leading to the death spiral of UST, because there was no self-stabilization mechanism to bring UST back to its previous peg, given that LUNA’s value also decreased rapidly during the crisis and could not provide sufficient support for UST.

To maintain an equilibrium under a
fixed exchange rate between US dollar economic zone and a USD-pegged stablecoin economic zone, without restricting the capital mobility (free conversion between UST and USD) between the two economic zones, Mundell-Fleming framework dictates that the USD-pegged stablecoin must have the similar or identical monetary policy as the US dollar (around 1% for USD, not an independent 19.5% yield for UST). As a result, to maintain a stable peg, a USD-pegged stablecoin economic zone must be a subset of the US dollar economic zone and cannot be an independent economic zone. In other words, a USD-pegged stablecoin economic zone is similar to a private commercial bank serving its customers under the Federal Reserve’s federal funds rate. Furthermore, a USD-pegged stablecoin economic zone must maintain 100% backup with US dollar or short-term US Treasury Bill (not backup by LUNA whose value could decrease rapidly during the crisis), otherwise it will become a fractional banking and still has risk of bank run.

Historically, fixed exchange rate (currency peg) regime without 100% reserve of the pegged currencies or assets tended to fail. Below are two examples:

[1] The peg between the US dollar and gold was broken by economic dynamics. Fifty years ago, the world changed. On August 15, 1971, US President Richard Nixon slammed shut the “gold window,” suspending dollar convertibility. Although it was not Nixon’s intention, this act effectively marked the end of the Bretton Woods system of fixed exchange rates. — IMF Blog, From the History Books: The Rethinking of the International Monetary System.

[2] The peg between the British pound and ERM was broken by economic dynamics. In the summer of 1992, hedge fund manager George Soros was contemplating the possibility that the European Exchange Rate Mechanism (ERM) would break down. Designed to pave the way for a full-scale European Monetary Union, the ERM was a system of fixed exchange rates linking together twelve members of the European Union, including Britain, France, Germany, and Italy. — Who Broke the Bank of England?

In contrast to Terra Protocol (Luna/UST), by learning lessons from history and following the guidance of Mundell-Fleming framework, CryptoFed has designed a floating exchange rate between Ducat and USD, instead of a fixed exchange rate. Floating exchange rate enables CryptoFed to enjoy freedom of its own monetary policy (interest rate) and fiscal policy (rewards to consumers and merchants) to manage its own money supply and control inflation and deflation, without restricting the capital mobility (conversion) between Ducat and USD. Ducat economic zone is independent of US dollar economic zone, because Ducat has a floating exchange rate against US dollar which plays a role of a wall separating the two economic zones.  

In order to ensure that merchants accepting Ducat will maintain the same price for goods and services in Ducat during crises, CryptoFed will make up the difference in Ducat between the Target Exchange Rate and actual exchange rate automatically via smart contract for merchants suffering foreign exchange loss. As a result, merchants will be protected from foreign exchange loss, while consumers will be subject to foreign exchange rate loss for conversion from Ducat to USD. Please see the section of SHIELD FOR MERCHANTS’ FOREIGN EXCHANGE LOSS on the home page.

During crises, the Ducat price against US dollar may fall sharply to a level far below the Target Exchange Rate. As long as consumers can purchase goods and services at merchants at the same price in Ducat, despite the sharp Ducat devaluation, consumers will buy more Ducat rather than fleeing from Ducat, because fleeing from Ducat means foreign exchange loss, and buying more Ducat for purchasing goods and services of daily life means foreign exchange gain. During a sharp Ducat devaluation, the larger the difference between the Target Exchange Rate and actual exchange rate becomes, the larger Ducat amount consumers will buy to enjoy the Ducat discount. As a result, the Ducat price against US dollar will be supported by consumers and will recover due to consumers’ action for their own interest (market force), given that CryptoFed will simultaneously adjust fiscal and monetary policies to cure the inflation during the crisis. This self-sustainability of Ducat does not rely on Ducat buyback with Locke and is completely independent of the value of Locke. Please see the section of THE ECONOMIC RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN LOCKE TOKEN AND DUCAT TOKEN on the home page.  

“…I think the key element, breakthrough, that I thought for myself that I was making was in the seeing the economy as determined by a combination of two basic macro economic conditions. One is equilibrium in
the goods and services market, and equilibrium in the foreign exchange market.”, said Professor Robert A. Mundell at his December 1999 Nobel Prize Reward interview.  By design, in CryptoFed economy, the goods and services market and the foreign exchange market are consistently and cohesively integrated by the Ducat creation mechanism and a floating exchange rate between Ducat and USD. Conversely, Terra economy has neither goods and services market to absorb UST nor a foreign exchange market (no floating exchange rate) to isolate UST from rapidly draining, while still trying to have its own monetary policy of 20% interest rate under a fixed exchange rate 1UST = 1USD. “But was it sustainable? Obviously a 20% yield on more than $10B of UST — more than $2B a year in interest payments — could not be given out using interest paid by borrowers alone.”
CryptoFedは、CryptoFedの取引コストをゼロに維持しながら、加盟店独自の暗号ベンダーの取引コスト(3%)、消費者が加盟店で購入した場合の消費者(5.5%~10%の範囲)と加盟店(1%~4%の範囲)の両方への報酬をカバーするために加盟店に支払う。Ducatはインフレがゼロになり 実質金利米ドルよりも高い。クレジットカード、米ドルペッグ ステーブルコインそして CBDCは、総体的にも個別的にも、消費者や加盟店にこのような利点を提供することはできません。従って、消費者や商業者は、Ducat を決済手段と価値貯蔵手段の両方として利用する大きなインセンティヴを持つことになる。さらに、デュカットと米ドル建てステーブルコインは補完関係にあり、米ドル建てステーブルコインはデュカット経済と米ドル経済の間の過渡的な橋渡しの役割を果たすでしょう。
金の存在と生産が消費者や商人の経済活動から独立しているように、既存の暗号通貨の創造(マネーサプライ)は、消費者や商人の経済活動から完全に独立した外生的プロセスである。既存の暗号通貨の創造とストックは、消費者や商人の経済活動に由来する需要という点で、インフレ(供給過剰)にもデフレ(供給不足)にもなり得る。さらに、既存の暗号通貨の供給不足または供給過剰は、消費者や商人の経済活動に由来する需要に比例して調整することができないため、これらの既存の暗号通貨は、インフレでもデフレでもないという必然的な結論に至る。 個人消費支出価格指数(PCE)で測定される。言い換えれば、商品やサービスに対する暗号通貨の価格変動は本質的なものであり、治らないということだ。これらの既存の暗号通貨とは対照的に、Ducatの創造(通貨供給)メカニズムは、設計上、消費者と商人の経済活動に基づく内生的プロセスであるだけでなく、商品やサービスに対する安定した価格を維持するために通貨供給を調整する政策ツールも含まれています。新通貨の必要性」の項をご覧ください。 をご覧ください。